
Image of an aircel ACHR corrosion resistant heatless desiccant dryer

Desiccant Compressed Air Dryers

nano aircel Corrosion Resistant Dryers

Introducing the nano aircel ACHR - a corrosion-resistant, heatless desiccant compressed air dryer that provides the ultimate solution for eliminating water vapor from compressed air in harsh environments. Unlike standard desiccant dryers, the upgraded corrosion and UV-resistant industrial paint coating and absence of yellow metals in the design make the ACHR dryer the go-to dryer for tough conditions. With the ability to lower the pressure dew point to -40°F, these dryers can perform even in the most demanding environments. Don't settle for anything less than the best in rough environments - choose the nano aircel ACHR corrosion-resistant, heatless desiccant compressed air dryers.

Key Specs:

Flow Rate

70 to 2000 scfm


3/4” NPT to 4” Flg

air quality

ISO 8573.1:2010

Product Documentation

nano aircel AHCR Corrosion Resistant Desiccant Dryer Brochure

nano aircel AHCR Corrosion Resistance Desiccant Dryer

Product Brochure

351 KB
ISO compressed air quality standards brochure

ISO Compressed Air Quality Standards

Support Brochure

7 MB

AHCR Corrosion Reistant Heatless Desiccant Dryers - F200 Activated Alumina Desiccant

Material Safety Data Sheet

622 KB


Dryers are designed with NEMA 4X stainless steel electrical enclosure, stainless steel controller tubing, free of yellow metals and marine-grade industrial paint (UV caustic-resistant).

Energy Management System (EMS), standard on all models, provides energy efficiency and reduces purging.

Dryers come standard with nano prefilters and after-filters to optimize energy savings.

Specifications of our models

Dryer Models

Mounted Pre & After Filtration as Standard

Inlet & Outlet 

Rated Flow at 100 psig


After Filter



AHCR-70 GFN 0085 M01 GFN 0085 M1 ¾” 70
AHCR-100 GFN 017 5M01 GFN 0175 M1 1" 100
AHCR-150 GFN 0175 M01 GFN 0175 M1 1" 150
AHCR-200 GFN 0325 M01 GFN 0325 M1 1 ½” 200
AHCR-250 GFN0325M01 GFN0325M1 1 ½” 250
AHCR-300 GFN 0325 M01 GFN 0325 M1 1 ½” 300
AHCR-350 GFN 0450 M01 GFN 0450 M1 2" 350
AHCR-450 GFN 0450 M01 GFN 0450 M1 2" 450
AHCR-500 GFN 0700 M01 GFN 0700 M1 2" 500
AHCR-600 GFN 0700 M01 GFN 0700 M1 2" 600
AHCR-750 GFN 0850 M01 GFN 0850 M1 2" 750
AHCR-1000 GFN 1250 M01 GFN 1250 M1 3" Flg 1000
AHCR-1250 GFN 1250 M01 GFN 1250 M1 3" Flg 1250
AHCR-1500 GFN 1500 M01 GFN 1500 M1 3" Flg 1500
AHCR-2000 NFZ 2500 M01 NFZ 2500 M1 4" Flg 2000



Maximum particle size (ISO class)

class 2 (1 micron)

Maximum water content (ISO class)

class 2 (-40°F pdp)

Minimum/ design /maximum operating pressure range 

Models 70 to 750
60 psig / 100 psig / 150 psig
Models 1000 and up
60 psig / 100 psig / 135 psig

Minimum / design/ maximum ambient temperature

38°F / 100°F / 120°F

Minimum / design / maximum inlet temperature

38°F / 100°F/ 120°F

Power supply requirements


(1) This information is for general information purposes only. For additional technical specifications, refer to the product brochure, technical data sheets, and/or user guides. Technical specifications are subject to change.   

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